Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why I Write about Esoteric Experiences

Why I Write about Esoteric Experiences. Since one of the God Given Gifts I received at birth was seeing the future and not only seeing the future but seeing what will happen when people are about to make different decisions in their lives and seeing what each of the outcomes will bring I find myself in a predicament. This is my predicament. I see that if people don't change certain kinds of ways the human race will be extinct within 1000 years. I think I'm not alone in seeing this. However, unlike most people I can see specifically what will happen given any given set of individual and group decisions. I write to save the human race from extinction.

There are some of you who might say to me, "Revealing what you reveal about esoteric experiences to the uninitiated is dangerous. I say to them, "If someone doesn't do what I'm doing there will be NO human race left to save from extinction so I am taking a great risk in sharing what I share in the hope that some of you will understand and take the ball and move forward where I left off in this lifetime and save all our progeny from extinction and horrible lives before then.

Right now I have relatively good health and what Tibetan Buddhists call "The Leisure to Practice" which means I have wealth, health and the inclination to delve deeply into the mysteries of life, God, Science, and enlightenment. I also have the inclination to share what I find can be shared with you in this way.

Hopefully, what will happen from all this is that you won't have to make many of the mistakes I made in moving toward saving both myself and all mankind and all beings everywhere from horrible lives. Instead it is my deepest hope that you will be one of many who will take over where I left off and save us all as human beings and help us all become something better and greater than we presently are!

I do not wish to offend any of you. However, I believe that the concept of Armageddon is not a useful one for mankind. I believe it is only a wish for death caused by the misery of many people's lives. If you can imagine how awful and miserable most people's lives were when the Bible was first written then you can imagine just how psychologically twisted one had to be to survive then. Even now, surviving past 30 is counterintuitive and counter to logic. The only way I made it past 25 was I had a son and that gave me reason to live on so he could have a better life than I did. Later I had a daughter and then another daughter and along the way raised two step kids and fostered two God Daughters through college and into careers.

So what I'm saying is that Armageddon comes from psychologically damaged ancient people whose lives were just so miserable that they had a psychotic episode fantasy about the end of the world to give them peace. That is what I believe Armageddon is all about.

So the survival of the human race on earth is a good thing and Armageddon is a bad thing. Individual Armageddons might move an individual being to enlightenment or death or whatever brings that tortured soul peace. However, Group Armageddon only extincts the human race and ends the possibility of there being any more humans on earth unless you believe in time travel or something like that.

I believe it is a duty that all of us have to our children and all of our progeny into the future to help create a world that they actually might want to live in. My writing is about DOING THIS through myself and all of you hundreds, then thousands and millions into the future.


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