Sunday, February 10, 2008

Write. Save a Life

Write Save a Life. Your own or someone else's or even everyone's. It is important to express ones deepest ideas, dreams and insights. Even if you never share them with anyone else but you. I write because God commands it of me and because this is how he designed me to live on earth. However, I have noticed that the people who bottle everything up inside them and never express their true feelings are the ones who die young likely from cancer. How can one truly live without expressing their innermost feelings and desires? How can you really be said to ever have been truly alive?

So many peoples lives are lost because they are afraid to live their lives. My son is in his 30s now and he is finally knowing love in some ways for the first time. He has even been married but I wouldn't have considered that love. I did consider it two people trying to survive in an awful world.

Love is different. It is spontaneous. It is wonderful and it is always terrible if and when it ends. Nothing lasts forever but life itself-God. Everything else is temporary, whether that temporary is one moment or billions of years. Each of our lifetimes is but a blinking of the eye. If we don't choose to live and love for the moment of life we have here on earth then we are only ridiculous and pathetic.

I told my son as he was going on and on about really being in love for the first time that I had always chosen love and had taken the risk since I was 15 years old and that I really had no regrets about always choosing love and in the process learning kindness. I started out a lot like a bull in a china closet but soon I became more refined and in great demand from the late 60s until I married and had my son in 1974. Men sometimes talk to me about how they are sad about marrying the first girl they met. I always say, "I loved all the women who loved me too. I have no regrets now because I have no trouble being faithful to my present wife because we both dated enough people in our lives to be happy and faithful to each other now.

I can remember how my second wife was so jealous that I had had so many happy relationships as she had married her first boyfriend(This was her second marriage too). Even though we were married almost 15 years it was one of the many things that eventually came between us.

My present wife and I had traveled all over the world before we met and got together and married and had a daughter. There is a peace in our marriage that both of us have really lived that I have never experienced before in life.

So live your lives. Write, even if it is only for yourself to better know who you are. Don't get cancer and die unfulfilled; live, love and write!

Write. The life you save may be your own.

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