Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jesus was an Epileptic?

Jesus was an Epileptic? A good friend of mine got a Masters degree in History of Religion at UCLA. He was saying in his studies that he found that most Shamans, prophets, and even people like Jesus tended to fall into one of the following categories:they were epileptics, catatonics, hypnotics etc. In other words they were people who could access non-ordinary reality a lot of the time or even most of the time. Everyone can and probably does this but usually only in dreams at night while asleep.

However, people who have abilities beyond the normal are able to consciously access what one might call Deep instinct or deep deep intuition. This allows them to See the Future, understand the universe and commune with both God and nature and often lead their people to survive unbelievable catastrophies. We are all the product of millions of years of such things. Just because today we pretend that materialism is all their is doesn't actually make it so. In some ways it just makes humans silly the way they run from what they actually are. And then when they must face the truth many can't handle it and turn to alcohol and drugs.

As someone who had to survive childhood epilepsy without any medications I think I understand this better than most because of direct experience. It was once called the King's disease because Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napolean and many other Kings and leaders had this disease. It tends to make a person very telepathic both as a sender and as a receiver. I could see the advantage of a leader being able to better sense the thoughts and feelings of his people or soldiers and to be able to anticipate their needs as well as seeing through his enemies and anticipating their plans. I think this is why epileptics were so successful as leaders and why it also makes sense why Jesus likely was an epileptic too.

The disadvantage would have been if these leaders were seen to have a seizure because then their people likely would have killed them on the spot. So that was always a hazard back in more superstitious times.

However, Jesus must have been an exceptional being when he lived on earth. It is my belief that he studied Buddhism at some point between age 12 and 30. It might have been likely that he worked on a caravan that went through Egypt and possibly all the way to India where Nalanda was the foremost university on Buddhism at that time.

Christian Brotherhood models Buddhist Compassion and was a fairly new thing back then. Before this it was all an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, very revenge oriented. But with compassion and forgiveness came a workable society that can actually work like has been built in Europe, The US, Canada, Australia, India and many other places on earth. Without compassion and forgiveness, societies tend to be slow and flounder on the rocks of revenge.

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