Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Meridian(Eridian). Eridian is a character in my "Memories" series of writings.Eridian is something like the "Guardian of the Pearly Gates of Heaven" 1 million years into the future when Arcane arrives through time from the Planet New Deva.

Meridian(Eridian) is someone that Arcane considers a Teacher and that Elohar, Ragna, His Oneness, King Interlaken, Jonathan, Princess Aurora and others all consider to be the most evolved spirit in regard to earth left in the Heavens of Earth 1 million years into the future. Jonathan Flow is my alter ego because he is born in 1948 like me and follows my life adventures as well as his own.

I have been guided I believe by both God and Angels to write so that my life experiences as Fred are as seamlessly as possible interwoven with the experiences of Jonathan, Arcane, His Oneness and all the other characters in this series of online books. During my life I have met many powerful spiritual teachers. I feel very fortunate indeed to have met so very many such amazing people and teachers during my life since I was born in 1948. These books appear to have been designed to help people in merging with the Galaxy much like tribes of the Amazon have merged with modern day society with mixed results.

It is not that the galaxy is either good or bad in its thousands to millions of cultures that exist today. It is that the cultures that do exist are inevitable for humans to meet with en masse at some point or points in the future in some harmonious fashion. I do not know when that can happen to most everyone's satisfaction. However, I do know that it likely will occur sometime between 2012 and 2014. However, the universe is a really quirky place just like earth so it's hard to say for sure.

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