Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Because of Life Experience

Because of my life experience both as a well lived 60 year old and also because of having been born a precognitive psychic it is pretty obvious to me what the problems and pitfalls of human survival will be. However, in specific in what individuals do it is much harder to predict. I cannot even predict with 100% certainty what I will do in the next 24 hours let alone the whole human race.

However, what I can do quite well is look down potential time lines and give general outcomes from what I now see. For example, what is happening in both Burma because of the Cyclone and what is happening in China because of the Earthquake will have incredible long lasting effects worldwide in nature both good an bad.

I'd like to address the good effects here. The fact that China is running 24 hours a day on CCTV(Chinese Government TV Channels) live and recent footage of people dying and being rescued cannot be overestimated at what a sea change this is for China. I think they handled the Tibetan thing so badly that they realized that since Burma is in their pocket mainly for Burmese Timber for Chinese buildings and such. As a direct result the Chinese Government needed to divert attention to how well they were handling the aftermath of the Earthquake and so far about 50 big aftershocks over 5.0 -.

This has opened a door for the Chinese people for actual current events as they occur. It is unlikely that China will be able to close the door again for a variety of reasons. This one event will move China toward a real possibility of moving toward something like we have seen in Democratized Russia only Chinese style within 20 years or less. It is an amazing amazing good change for China that will benefit everyone in unimaginable ways!

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