Friday, May 2, 2008

NO OIL: 2030 to 2050

Since many once huge oil fields in the 20th century have long since dried up in Venezuela, Texas and Baku in the old Soviet Union, we can expect the same from the North Sea fields, the rest of the fields in Venezuela, Texas, Russia, Africa etc. by 2030. Likely the only fields still producing any oil at all by 2030 will be Saudi Arabia only because their fields haven't already peaked now like all the rest on earth already. There have been almost no new large oil fields on earth discovered(even with advanced methods) since the late 1960s.

Basically what this means is that oil companies and auto manufacturing companies worldwide need to stop quietly disappearing or paying off to be quiet anyone who invents new technologies like burning water for fuel. The world just isn't going to survive without these new fuels. It is going to be chaotic enough getting 7 billion people into new technologies. There could be billions of deaths from starvation and revolution caused by starvation depending on how this is handled worldwide. The world is watching! There have to be motives in place beyond profit or there will be chaos worldwide beyond anything anyone has ever seen in recorded history!

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