Thursday, September 25, 2008

Afghanistan has never been held long

If you study history Afghanistan has never been held long by any nation. There are two reasons for this. First the region is very tough topographically to fight in or to hold. And Second, the people just don't like people trying to tell them what to do and are very willing the last 10,000 years or so to die to get foreign powers to leave.

And so it is no surprise that the U.S. and europe and the free world are loosing Afghanistan. There is a principle taught at West Point at the military academy for Officers there. "No nation can long be held without the support of the masses!" This point blank means that unless the people want you there it will bankrupt any nation that tries to go against the popular will of the people.

Remember the Soviet Union? Even though I have never really figured out why the Soviet Union tried to take Afghanistan in the first place, it is very important to realize Afghanistan bankrupted the Soviet Union just like Iraq and Afghanistan together have bankrupted the U.S. and the World banking system.

You notice there is no more Soviet Union because of this?

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