Monday, September 8, 2008

Sarah Palin: Both interesting and scary

You really can't make this stuff up. Sarah Palin, a runner up candidate for Miss Alaska, was voted Miss Congeniality, like the movie. She was baptised in Beaver Lake, Alaska. Her husband won a 2000 mile snowmobile race. If elected he will be the first resident of the Vice Presidential mansion who could actually fix the heating system if it broke down. She and her husband might be the two most interesting people involved in the Presidential race since Obama and Hillary Clinton.

But then what about the separation of Church and state. These lines have already been blurred by President Bush. Are we ready to give up on the separation of Church and state? If so, electing Palin might be a mistake. Interesting and scary.

McCain and Palin if elected likely will be the permanent end to Roe vs. Wade because of all the Supreme court justices ready to retire. Are you ready for that?

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