Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Some Mood Altering drugs permanently rewire the brain

As a counselor for emotionally disturbed teenagers in California I was required to dispense many prescriptions to these young adults so I decided as a person of conscience that I needed to better understand what the staff psychiatrist was having us give these kids. I was horrified when I started to study the physiological effects of drugs like prosac, haldol, Paxil zoloft etc. I learned that the Prosac family of mood altering drugs permanently rewires the brain of those who take it.

Think for a moment about what I am saying. The effects of this class of drug are permanent. These childrens and adults brains are permanently rewired. This means that these people(adults and children) once having taken these drugs will never process information like those who have never taken these drugs again.

To me, this is far more terrifying than cloning. at least with cloning you get two humans that eventually look the same. With the Prosac effect you get permanently mutated brains that will never process information the same way that humans have for 100,000 years.

What are the long term effects of this. What have we done to these people and their children? Is the suicide factor genetically passed on. Have we just doomed these people genetically? I don't have the answers to any of these questions. I'm just saying all the people that have been put on Prosac and all the other mood altering drugs are millions of guinea pigs and we have no idea what the end result will be for the human race 100, 500 or a 1000 years from now from all this!

Another guinea pig effect is cell phones. Many scientists are comparing cell phones to cigarettes in the way they likely are creating brain cancer. Everyone is addicted to cell phones now. What happens when people start to get sick and die from brain cancer within the next 20 years or so. Most studies on the subject consist of using a cell phone only once a week and these studies are funded by the cell phone makers.

We are a world society of consumers that are being lied to by the drug manufacturers and cell phone makers. It's just like the snake oil salesmen of 150 years ago. Many people died then from the snake oils that were supposed to cure everything. Caveat Emptor. Let the buyer beware!!!

Note: By the way I and another counselor became so upset at kids being drugged to the point where kids were being so heavily drugged in this facility that they would literally sit in a corner with drool coming out of their mouths and be unable to speak. When we complained we were told that they were more easily managed this way. We quit in protest. Many facilities nationwide do not care about children's rights to have normal lives at any point in the future. The children are just so heavily drugged and because of it will never be capable of a normal life at any point.

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