Sunday, October 19, 2008

The human race may survive now

Being able to see into the future like I can is an odd thing. For example, I cannot see any single event that ultimately caused the world financial crisis we are all now experiencing. However, what I can see is that instead of the human race going extinct within 100 years here on earth that no longer happens.

Let me tell a story that would be a good example of this. Imagine the human race was a busload of 100 people. Imagine the bus driver went to sleep at the wheel and he died when he crashed the truck into a brick building. Between 1/2 to 3/4 of the passengers survived the crash and now have to either stay with the injured and dead or walk to their destination.

However, if they had stayed on the bus and the bus driver had stayed awake they all would have died.

So, because of this financial downturn the human race has about 400 more years to figure out a way not to go extinct from Global warming and out of control technology and pollution and overpopulation.

So, because of this financial downturn the human race doesn't go extinct within 100 years. It has about 400 more years because of reduced use of fossil fuels because of no money. The reduced use of fossil fuels creates windows for the development and the spreading of alternate energy technology around the world. This creates around 1 billion new jobs worldwide and oil products are then only used to create plastics and synthetic rubber and such.

So, because of the financial crisis there is a total now of about 500 years for the human race to get it right and survive!

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