Sunday, November 9, 2008

Efficiency: The Key to the survival of life on earth

I believe kindness is the primary key to efficiency. So, kindness, experience and wisdom creates more efficiency which allows survival and in some cases the prospering of individuals, families, cultures, the human race on earth and beyond.

There is idiot compassion which sometimes looks like, "Give a man a fish and he lives for a day". Something like that which can be necessary at times so people don't die of starvation, hypothermia or worse.

Then there is the efficient right mindful compassion which looks like, "Teach a man to fish and he lives for a lifetime". Though these are both two parts of a very ancient saying, they illustrate quite well idiot compassion versus right mindful compassion.

What I'm saying here is that without enough right mindful compassion from as many people as possible to as many people as possible the human race is in danger of going extinct within 100 to 400 years.

Often young people inherit great wealth and then give it all away. This is idiot compassion and never wise right mindful compassion. The poor people who receive this money mostly will buy food with it, party with it and it will be gone and then they might still die of starvation because of not being educated and wise through both education and real life experience.

So, if you are young and become wealthy either through inheritance or a great idea that you capitalize on please think of the Gates Foundation and the efficient way they use their resources and consider creating a foundation with part of your money. The useful way the Gates foundation and other great foundations work is that they invest and through those investments earn either interest or dividends. The principle is never spent which allows the foundation to theoretically if there are no world wars to last hundreds of years and to keep doing good for mankind. Only the interest and dividends of these investments are ever spent so the principle in whatever investment mechanism it is invested in continues to grow along with the dividends through time benefiting thousands and millions of people on into the future as long as the world civilization stays relatively stable and uninterrupted.

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