Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For Earth's Civilization to Survive

I just had a horrific realization while watching a very intelligent Stanford Professor speak to Charlie Rose on PBS,

"The worldwide system of the concept of money will cause the extinction of the human race through Global Warming!"

The reason for this is simple. If we try to spend all our time trying to solve our economic troubles instead of directly addressing Global Warming it will all be over before we completely solve our monetary crisis.

More specifically, the time we need to actually solve global warming sufficiently for the human race to survive it, will instead be spent on trying to solve the world's economic problems rather than solving the real problem of Global Warming.

Let me draw a picture of the problem. Let's imagine two people fighting for control of a speedboat while not dealing with an f5 tornado they are heading into with the boat.

In other words, if we think Islamic terrorism or the economic crisis is more important than Global warming then none of our grandchildren will survive out the other side of Global Warming. This is what I see as a precognitive psychic.

However, there is an alternative at least in regard to monetary systems.

Instead of money, ideas in how to solve Global warming must be paramount. Ideas, practical ideas as well as practical ideas implemented need to be valued above all others for anyone to survive this at all 400 years from now! Money means nothing if no one survives this 400 years from now!

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