Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Government needs to get into loan business fast

Since Credit Default swaps are still swamping banks and their reputations and preventing most banks from making any or very many new loans, the governments of the world must get into the loan business fast to prevent further collapse of free market economies!

Unless the U.S. Government and others starts making business loans, student loans, car loans, and mortgage loans themselves I have a feeling that the World's banks have just become so very dysfunctional that it is no longer even useful to call them real banks. What they are is embarrassed betters in a card game gone awry who are afraid of each others guns. They don't really give a s@#t about regular people like you and I and so are completely useless to the average person on earth.

So as a stopgap governments around the world must begin making business, student, and car loans or else the whole fabric of the world's economies might become so dysfunctional that a real collapse worse than the great depression might be immanent!

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