Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The nationalization of America's banks and Companies

The Bush Administration resembles FDR in the 1930s in regard to the nations financial system and the banks. The irony is that what the Bush administration has done is most similar to how China would respond to these national challenges more than any other nation. Maybe the U.S. is learning some of the things that have worked in China. After all, they are a multi thousand years civilization and America has only existed in this form since 1776, so I guess we still have a lot to learn in long term survival as a nation. And Obama will probably closely resemble a very modernized FDR and Kennedy as a president. Though I think he might be intellectually smarter than either of them he still has to go a ways to gain their experience for himself as President. I hope he can survive longer than JFK. I don't worry about Obama being a good and even a model president. I only worry about him surviving to finish one or two good terms. We all know he is a populist by his choices. We just want him to do a good job and survive it.

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