Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Corporation or Nation?

Once upon a time (before World War II), American corporations were loyal to America. In other words they hired american workers, they used american made steel and all or almost all their products were grown or mined or produced (usually all three) within the United States and also most products were sold here too. The workers were American, the products were American, and the taxes paid were from American companies and workers to the United States. This is no longer the case.

For example, the big three Automakers, Ford, Chrysler, and GM are all multinationals now. They build cars and trucks all over earth. Their loyalty is not necessarily to any one country. This could also be said of Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and all the European Carmakers.
This creates a problem then of loyalty to America and to the American people, to the American Government and to the American way of life, at least for so called American companies. It cannot be said that Toyota, or Honda are loyal to Japan, nor can it be said that Hyundai is loyal to South Korea.

This along with all the other multinationals including banks creates incredible problems worldwide.

All these corporations are in the end only loyal to themselves. If there was a world national government this might not be such a big problem. But it is a problem when mulinationals want to be bailed out by the American people.

A company, a corporation cannot be a mulinational and loyal to America and Americans at the same time so why should we bail out disloyal multinational companies whether they be automakers or Banks?

None of these companies care about the American Government or the American people. If they did they couldn't even stay in business as multinationals. It's just reality. When are the American people going to learn this lesson?

We must only bail out corporations that are loyal to America otherwise we are just fools!

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