Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mutant Message Down Under

Having seen the movie "Australia" twice in the last couple of weeks I pulled "Mutant Message Down Under" which has been the most amazing book I've ever read on Australian Aborigines by an American lady Acupuncturist who went "walkabout" with the Real People Tribe.

Begin quote from top of page 52 of book:
"The real people tribe never go without food. Always, the universe responds to their mind-talk. They believe the world is a place of abundance. Just as you and I might gather to listen to someone play the piano, and honor that talent and purpose, they sincerely do the same thing with everything in nature. When a snake appeared on our path, it was obviously there to provide our dinner. The daily food was a very important part of our evening celebration. I learned that the appearance of food was not taken for granted. It was first requested, always expected to appear, and did appear, but was gratefully received and genuine gratitude was always given. The tribe begins each day by saying thank you to Oneness for the day, for themselves, their friends, and the world. They sometimes ask for specifics, but it is always phrased 'If it is in my highest good and the highest good of all life"

The wonderful taste of Aboriginal culture given in the movie Australia leaves on hungering for more. It is a culture that may predate any in Africa or elsewhere on earth. So, it might be possible that original man could have come from Australia on its way to Africa and Northward. Either way, their spiritual point of view, like Native American and Tibetan is very special and worth much study by those interested and capable of it.

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