Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Ecological Survival of China

I was giving some thought to this today and I have come to the conclusion that the only way for China and its people to survive the next 100 years ecologically is through democracy or democratic socialism. I really see a disaster in China otherwise when I look forward through time. Without a growing form of democracy China will stagnate and die a horrible death within 200 years. Without the needs of the people being addressed there over the needs of corporations just to make money most people in China will be reduced to shorter and shorter lifespans. Even if the top 300 million people who might belong to the Communist party have relatively good lives the increasing ecological disaster of China more and more cannot be denied. With 1 billion people's lives getting worse in regard to health and quality of life, it will be increasingly awful for the ruling elite of 300 million to 400 million. For, in the end, how can one rationalize their lifestyles in the elites of China when 1 billion or more of their countrymen are dying from pollution and a lack of rights and watching their children die of ecological catastrophes like the melenine caused deaths of thousands already.

Without democracy and community activism how can lifespans increase at all and for that matter how can lifespans not continue to decrease because of the unbridled ecological disasters in China. Without Democracy or Democratic Socialism to counter the increasing awful affects of a quick increase in technology how can the 3/4 of the people who are have-nots not die horrible young deaths before their time?

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