Sunday, January 25, 2009

Still looking for a Cause to the World's problems that makes sense

I have blogged about Banks attacking nations, rich people trying to get rich no matter what happens to the worlds poor or for that matter anybody, Corporations attacking each other for pre-eminence. Nations attacking each other economically for pre-eminence but I'm beginning to believe it is not that simple.

I started to think back to about 6 months to 1 year ago of a food tipping point on earth and remembered how many Australian farmers were committing suicide because there wasn't enough water because of long term droughts to any longer farm, raise sheep, or any livestock profitably because there just wasn't enough rain to do that anymore.

This in turn created a lack of rice, soybean, and wheat surplus worldwide. This started to react upon the price of food commodities and interacted with the price of oil worldwide and helped speed us to where we all are internationally.

In other words the world surplus of rice, soybeans, and wheat is gone and it has become each nation for itself with the poorest of nations mostly without enough rice, soybeans and wheat. Some AID organizations have learned to buy these things at bargain basement prices from third world nations so they can afford to feed more of the starving poor mostly refugees in third world nations. However, donors to this organizations likely will be hard pressed worldwide to be able to give enough money to keep these AID organzations afloat properly. The small donations of individuals in 1st world and 2nd world nations who normally have a few dollars here and there might not be there in the near future because they have to take care of their own families in distress and their friends families who live in the same country. So a good portion of donated money to food relief agencies is likely to dry up that comes from middle class and lower class donors in the 1st and 2nd world.

It could be that the food tipping point in Australia (no food surplus worldwide) and the fear engendered by those starving made its way up to richer and richer people so quickly that this too was a factor in the worldwide economic collapse we are all witnessing.

So here is my latest scenario for trying to make some sense of all of this. First of all, tornadoes, hurricanes(cyclones) and bad weather of all kinds including drought affects all places on earth in one way or another. Both poles (north and south) melting at alarming rates panics others. Then the subprime(which I believe is a direct reaction to the insanity of the terrorist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) began to unravel the American Dream of being able to borrow on ones constantly increasing value of one's home or commercial property or business. The government being occupied in such a single minded way on Iraq and Afghanistan was basically oblivious to all other changes including the bankrupting of our American and World economy from these wars.

It would be basically like being in a bar and so focused on the person you were fighting that you didn't notice the person behind you stealing your wallet and all your credit cards.

If you put all these scenarios together we begin to make some sense of what is happening right now on earth.

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