Saturday, February 21, 2009


Dreamtime is everything one thinks or feels 24 hours a day. However, since there is no real way to separate for most people what is physically happening around them from their internal world they might see it all as one thing. However, to be an empowered adult one must be able to see which is which.

The easiest way to make sense of all this I can think of is to imagine human life before all tools and language. If we start there then we realize that all human language and all physical things as well as all art came from dreamtime. Also, all war came also from dreamtime which teaches one to be very careful what they think about.

So, in order to become an empowered adult one must be able to see that everything that is physically made by man and every thing like language and religion is made from the dreamtime of men, women and children. And then the next step is to decide if one wants to become a victim to all that or not or which parts one should keep and which parts one should discard as not useful. Only in this way does one begin to become empowered and free as a being.

So, then we learn as we grow that only by creating our own reality through the dreamtime do we ever become free from the victim all of us are raised to be through enculturation as we grow up.

Only by deciding to create our own lives our own way do we move forward. However, most people are intimidated by relatives, friends, employers, teachers etc. and give up their their freedom and their dreamtime to become lifelong victims of society.

Of course, unless we are going to live alone in the wilderness one must make compromises in order to keep people in ones life and to have friends and relatives in ones life. But one must always be conscious that every language, and every thing ever made that you didn't make or think up is someone else's dream that they manifested into the physical. Will you become just a victim of all the dreams that have come before or will you utilize your own dreams to make your life and the lives of those around you better?

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