Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Cultural Genocide

I'm speaking about the ongoing cultural genocide of Tibetans in Tibet. This is nothing new and has been going on full force for about 60 years now since Mao Tse Tung invaded Tibet and forced monks and nuns to copulate and forced Tibetan Children to shoot their parents. It is all about destroying a native culture which is not unusual at all in Chinese history or in American history in regard to native Americans.

If people want something they take it. It has always been this way down through recorded history. It is not nice at all. But it has been going on since there have been animals and humans on earth.

I, for one think that Tibetan Culture is far superior to Chinese culture and am very sad to see Tibetan culture in Tibet being permanently and systematically wiped out. I understand what is happening to Tibetans in Tibet is no different at all than what happened to native Americans in the United States during the 16th through beginning of the 20th century. It is the sad death of noble cultures just as what the Chinese are doing is the genocide of Tibetans and Tibetan Culture.

I think if the Tibetans were Christian people that Westerners wouldn't let this happen but Tibetans have the misfortune of Being Tibetan Buddhist which is considered to be a threat to Christians because Buddhism of all kinds is just so logical and reasonable that most religions cannot compete with the basic logic of Buddhism so college educated people tend to embrace all forms of Buddhism just out of common sense.

So, strangely enough though Buddhism in Tibet is going extinct through cultural genocide it is growing throughout the world on college campuses everywhere. It is almost as if those dying and being killed in Tibet are being reborn as the children of college educated Tibetan Buddhists throughout the earth. I think this is a nice thought or meditation. What do you think?

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