Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gifted People

Back in the 1950s there were a lot of really intelligent people like Marilyn Monroe playing dumb blondes because if they were actually as dumb as the blondes they played they would have never made it as far as they did.

It is like that with all kinds of gifted people and always has been whether those gifts are mental, physical, emotional or even supernatural. If it is dangerous or you think it might be too dangerous to reveal something about yourself generally you don't.

So even though I like TV programs like "Heroes" it is sort of childish and sensationalistic. Yes. It is very entertaining. However, gifted people tend to operate completely(in every way) differently than they do on this show. However, it is great fun to watch.

So down through history people with all kinds of gifts were open about their gifts only if they thought it might be both survivable and profitable in some way.

If one is truly gifted then part of the equation is surviving. If you don't survive to adulthood it doesn't really matter how gifted you are because unless you live to have children you can't pass on those genes to the next generation.

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