Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Who Survives all this?

One of my majors in college was Anthropology. By this time I was in my late 30s and going to college was something I was doing in addition to running a business and raising teenagers(my first major at age 18 was computer science and I learned COBOL and FORTRAN).

I found Anthropology a whole new way of looking at mankind. If one studies natural selection in a scientific way, one sees that everything one thinks, feels, eats, does affects not only that person but all other persons either directly or indirectly.

Let me try and show you an example. In Mexico in prehistoric times, tribes commonly hunted by driving deer, buffalo(i.e. big edible animal herds off of cliffs). They were so good at it that they extincted most big game animals larger than a chicken from Mexico and central America. So when the Mayans and Aztecs tried to get enough protein they started eating the arms and legs of their adversaries to get enough protein. And it was like this somewhat until the Spanish brought cattle and horses and pigs(farm animals to Mexico in the 1500s).

So what I'm trying to get at is that everything each of us does to the planet in our area affects all future generations to a greater or lesser degree for all succeeding generations. So, some idea that seems wonderful and innovative now might eventually extinct all life on earth or at least in your area.

For example, the present economic downturn likely will tend to end the lives of the poor starving people and the people who are physically or mentally or emotionally disadvantaged worldwide who have no one to take care of them. As governments contract they might not be able to keep these people alive.

Another problem is that worldwide animals will be hunted by the starving which likely will cause many species to go extinct all over earth. If you were starving and your family was dying what would you do no matter what the laws are?

So, I guess what I'm saying is that we should expect extreme repercussions worldwide ongoing from all these financial collapses. If General Motors and Chrysler are on the verge of bankruptcy the ripples will be felt worldwide just from that one event. There are thousands of such events now happening worldwide which won't just be ripples. They will be tidal waves!

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