Monday, May 11, 2009


Anywhen. I suppose I could say instead, "Anywhere in Time and Space" or something like that. However, I believe the word "Anywhen" to be elegant and very useful to the human race ongoing. So I use "anywhen" to denote literally "Anytime in the future, present or past.

The reason this is an important word I believe is that if you speak with someone who is a physics major, for example, at MIT, Cal Tech, or IIT in India and asked them what the actual probability would be that time travel actually exists they might say to you,"The logical probability of time travel existing right here and now on earth is very high."

You might say, "What! Do you believe in Science Fiction or what?"

And they might say to you, "The logic goes like this. If time travel has been invented in any galaxy or universe in the past, present or future anywhere or anywhen the likelihood of it also being here now is very close to 100%."

If one is not used to dealing with probabilities this might send your senses into a loop. However, the logic is seamless and inevitable. "If time travel is ever invented in any time in the past, present or future,anywhere in the universe then it is highly likely here right now on earth as well."

So, because the probability is close to 100% that time travel is present on earth if it is possible to time travel then the word "anywhen" is not only elegant it is useful to describe our lives and the future, present, and past of earth.

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