Saturday, August 15, 2009

Memories the free online book

Between 1980 and the early 2000s I wrote the many chapters and sections of "Memories". Originally Arcane, Lord Fire, Elohar and Ragna, etc. were all written independently by me but as I reread them I realized they all are a part of the same cosmology and timeline. When I almost died in 1998 from a Heart virus I had the time while coming back to life to realize that I was actually writing about the past lives of myself and my friends and relatives which I had already experienced in the past, present and future. Am I asking you to believe me? Why should you if this is not your experience? It is still hard for me to believe and I have experienced it. So whether you see this as science fiction, spiritual unfoldment teachings or actual past life experiences or all three is perfectly fine with me.

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