Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Future I presently See

As a lifelong precognitive psychic I have learned that if I tell the future I see it changes the future. However, since the future I presently see is without a war between the major nations of earth I would like to share it. However, normally, if I see a future that is what I want I don't usually share it because when I share the future it always changes it. But something like this that people might want to know around the world I decided to share because it will give people hope in some ways.

The main reason the largest nations won't go to war is that it would be suicide for all mankind and any fool knows this because of declining food reserves because of weather changes. Just observing global climate change, for example, in Pakistan and China we see that thousands to millions could perish even in the present floods in Pakistan and China which appear to be at least in Pakistan, once in a century floods or even once in two century floods.

So, all these increasing number of calamities will tend to prevent wars between the larger nations because they will be so occupied trying to keep world cultures functioning and trying to prevent food riots and riots for clean water from spinning out of control especially in 3rd world nations worldwide.

So, the larger nations will instead tend to "circle the wagons" in order to stablize the world cultures. So, the weather calamities that slowly increase this century and the alliance between all the larger nations will bring all the nations together and the United Nations will grow stronger out of the necessity of the survival of every nation. However, it is important to note that the next 30 years will bring a loss of life from weather calamities worldwide similar to all those lost in World War II or more.

But once again the good news is at present at least for the next 30 years is it looks like there will not be wars between the largest nations. This is very good news for the present for all of us.

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