Sunday, August 29, 2010

Whatever Works: The Movie

I had rented from Netflix a movie called: Whatever Works. I had seen the preview and even rented it once before but couldn't get through past him telling the lady her young son was a cretin. But, I decided recently to see again and found that it really is a wonderful movie about literally whatever works. The lead character who is a 200 IQ neurotic, tries to kill himself and doesn't succeed. This completely changes his life in amazing ways. He's still neurotic but his intelligence and curmugeonly but still intelligent and caring ex  Quantum Physics String theory Professor he used to be at a local university. One of his friend's is a philosophy professor. The adventures he goes through simply cannot be predicted during the movie which takes this comedy to places you might not expect unless you have seen some of Woody Allen's other classic movies. I think this is one of the best Woody Allen movies I've ever seen even though I have probably seen over 20 of them over the years. If you like his movies you are sure to like this one.

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