Saturday, February 12, 2011

$150 dollars a Barrel for Oil?

  • Do I Hear $150? Oil Prices Could Go Up "Very, Very Fast," Says Stephen Leeb - Peter Gorenstein
  • To see video and read full business news article click "Do I Hear $150?" above
  • I mentioned in another blog article that we might see $150 to $200 a barrel oil. And I also mentioned that this might be a good thing in the long run even though in the short run many people will be harmed. However, since ALL oil WILL be gone on earth within 15 to 40 years, learning to do without it will prevent a global catastrophe that will make World War I and II look like child's play in comparison. So the sooner we switch from oil to other things the less painful and less disastrous that complete end of oil will be at the latest within 40 years.

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