Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Principles of Enlightenment

Millions and more on Earth have discovered the principles of enlightenment here on earth down through the centuries. Let us say that I have rediscovered them in my everyday life as well. So, since this is something that a lifetime of actual experience has taught me as opposed to just reading about it, I think it will be useful for all who seek enlightenment.

The basic principles are:

Develop Compassion for yourself and all beings in the universe

Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free

Live the Truth of the first Two Principles and you will free all beings in the universe past, present and future!

So, as you can see, enlightenment and the seeking of it is not just for you, even though that is admirable in itself. However, seeking enlightenment in order to help all beings in the universe permanently end their suffering and bringing them all to bliss is the single most important and powerful thing that any being anywhere can do.

As more and more beings dedicate their lives to this end the goal is accomplished in the past, present and future simultaneously.

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