Thursday, April 14, 2011

more on UFOs

Mike Believed in UFOs
I personally don't know what to make of George Adamski. When you hear about anyone having UFO experiences I find it is best to keep a distance. Unless these experiences are your own it is usually important to be a little skeptical. So, when I read about Adamski I tend to be a little skeptical too, especially because it is 600 to 900 degrees on Venus and someone if they lived on the surface likely couldn't walk around on earth too without some sort of space suit to stay warm (as in 600 to 900 degrees warm).

However, I have had my own experiences with UFOs over the years and I cannot deny these experiences. Also, as a soul traveler most of my life, one of my experiences in my early twenties when I was soul traveling to be with God in the center of the galaxy, I stopped off in a soul body on Venus and there actually was a whole civilization there in non-physical bodies like the soul traveling body I was in at that time. They told me to go into the sun as that was the route to the center of the galaxy. I asked at the time, "Won't I burn up in the sun?" They said that I was in a soul body that wouldn't burn up so I went into the sun and found plasma beings there with souls like ours on earth. They created a conveyance that transported me somehow instantly into the center of the galaxy. My experiences in the center of the Galaxy became a part of the basis for my experiences that I recount in "Memories" at dragonof
If interested click on:

dragonofcompassion - memories part 1

Memories part 1 NEW BOOK! MEMORIES MEMORIES FROM THE WHEEL OF TIME The Autobiography of Jonathan Flow in several of his Lifetimes2-12-02 end quote.

So, in the above word button you have part one. There are other word buttons (I believe there are now 7) that will now take you to all 11 parts of this book. Then there are further histories of some of the beings in Memories in other buttons at the top of the page there.

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