Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Difference Between Men and Women

Most women expect men to think and feel in their image of men. So men that want to be with a woman (temporarily or permanently) pretend to think and feel like women want them to. The only real exception to this is a Gay man and even then a Gay man does not think entirely like a woman. It just appears that way sometimes.

I was talking to my physical trainer who is a beautiful blond lady. She was expecting her relatively new and young man to think and feel in a certain way. And I said to her, "That will never happen. Men will think and feel whatever they want always. The most any woman can expect is that this man be physically true to them. Any more than that will always be a lie. Men will tell women anything to be with them, and this is even more true if they actually love that woman enough to stay with them and be true to them. But, don't think that means that in their minds and hearts they won't be influenced by the next beautiful girl or woman that they see. That just means they are still alive and virile. It doesn't necessarily mean that they will pursue a relationship with that woman. It just might mean they might think about her later. And this is pretty normal for being a man." So, to expect a man to be true to you ladies might happen if the man really loves and respects you. But don't expect to control his mind or feelings in any actual real way. Because that will only happen if or when he lets you for his own purposes. Men and women have always been very different than each other. To not understand this is to be a fool.

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