Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm not Really Surprised

I was surprised at John Edward's love child. But Arnold the Governator's love child doesn't really surprise me. The Hollywood "anything goes" kind of life he lived doesn't really leave a person when literally anything or anyone or any drug might be available. Likewise I wouldn't have been surprised had Reagan had a love child as well. However, Hollywood wasn't as wild in his era as it has become since the 1960s.

I guess it is because I grew up in Glendale right next to Hollywood and things were always very different there than anywhere else on earth I have ever been from the 1950s until now. In Hollywood as in New York Truth really is stranger than fiction.

However, despite the love child I think the Governator would have been a good President much like Clinton and Obama. Just remember JFK and the 100 lovely ladies in the white house swimming pool with the secret service trying to remove them all as Jackie Kennedy drove up without her seeing them. Men in power have always been this way, the press just reports it now more than it used to. And maybe that's a good thing.

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