Monday, June 27, 2011

Green Lantern and X-Men

The best blockbuster movie at the movie theaters this summer has to be the new X-Men movie. It takes place mostly during the Cuban Missile Crisis of September 1962. I was 14 then so seeing real footage of President Kennedy before he was assassinated was a real treat and seeing people depicting the types of people and dress of those times also was very fun.

Green Lantern's story is very much in some simple ways the way things actually are in our galaxy and beyond. Though the real truth is of course even more amazing than the legend similar to reality that Green Lantern Depicts.

Though the new X-Men movie also depicts aspects of the way things really are on earth of course both movies "Hollywoodize" the truth for entertainment purposes. However, in both movies the kernel of truth is there regarding how things actually are both on Earth and beyond. So in this sense they are both archetypally important to young people of all ages learning how to function both on earth and beyond.

My own experiences as a Soul Traveler, Adept and natural Shaman have showed me many of the same things these movies are trying to inform people about. I think this is why so many people of all ages are attracted to these kinds of movies, because we all inherently know that the truth is much like what is depicted. So, the Hero epics continue to enlighten on down through the centuries in any way possible. And so, thereby the human race evolves into something more amazing each and every day.

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