Sunday, July 3, 2011

Living Rock

I wrote this in the first person because I thought it would be the most useful to you and I  that way:


I woke up as a boulder on a planet without atmosphere. I wondered what I was and where I was. My senses were quite different than now as  human. This was millions of years ago. Time passed differently for me than humans. What interested me was different than humans. My senses were different than humans. However, I had one really great advantage, I didn't have to eat, to breathe or to mate so these drives didn't exist for me. My main experience was just to be where I was at first. However, after experiencing being a part of the planet's surface for thousands of years I decided I wanted to move around and to see more of the planet. So, I willed myself to move and slowly I was successful. Though there was no atmosphere there was something like water there. I found that I could over time will the water like substance to cut the surface over to where I was. Eventually over hundreds of years I got the water like substance to cut a path so I could slowly roll the boulder that I was along at a rate of about 10 feet every 100 years. For you this might seem a very slow but for me I was very happy with this progress. After all, I was a boulder finding a way to move. This was great stuff for me. Also, as I slowly moved little pieces of me chipped off along the way over time and I noticed that these pieces of me also retained my consciousness, so I had them ride along with me if I could manage it over time. If any human had seen this happen they would not have known I was doing this because it was taking place slowly over hundreds if not thousands of years of time. But I found by focusing on what I was trying to do since I didn't have to eat or sleep or mate or work at anything else, that I could succeed and time in the end meant nothing as long as I was accomplishing the goals I wished to accomplish. Over time, I moved completely around the planet in one circumference. By now many pieces of my boulder had broken off but I had somehow through will kept all the pieces of myself with me somehow. I decided to travel another time around the world, the planet, and during this circumnambulation of the planet all the pieces of me were now under 5 inches across down to little pieces of dust. I found if I used my will power on one piece of my rock body 5 inches or smaller at a time, I could lift it to wherever I wanted on the planet one piece at a time. I thought this was really great fun so I set up an array of pieces of myself around the equator of my planet so I could be aware of most things happening on my planet and send my senses up into space to experience stars and possibly other planets. But this was millions of years ago now and by now millions to trillions of beings in our galaxy likely have had similar experiences along the way before they were born on earth too sometime before the dinosaurs and on into the future millions of years here on earth...

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