Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Only 38% of Autism caused by genetics

65% of Autism is caused by environmental factors.

begin quote from:http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/07/05/MNG01K5FK7.DTL

San Francisco -- Environmental factors play a more important role in causing autism than previously assumed and, surprisingly, an even larger role than genetics, according to a new study out of UCSF and Stanford that could force a dramatic swing in the focus of research into the developmental disorder.
The study, published in Monday's issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, looked at 192 pairs of twins in California and, using a mathematical model, found that genetics account for about 38 percent of the risk of autism, and environmental factors account for about 62 percent.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/07/04/MNG01K5FK7.DTL#ixzz1RDLKcscL
end quotes. My father who liked to study the effects of environment on people always believed that environment was harming us in a variety of ways. He became a vegetarian and believed in organically grown foods from 1934 when he was 18. Even then he believed that the stimulants and hormones that were shot into steers and other animals on farms to be slaughtered concentrated in the flesh of the animals and birds and would cause cancer and other ailments. So, the fact that environmental factors are causing 65% of autism comes as no surprise at all to me. Many of the ways our food is grown and prepared whether it be plant or animal is likely to harm people in various ways. However, most people don't make a study enough of it to understand the degree to which this is true.

Another big factor is water all over the world. Contaminated water is the biggest single cause of  death of humans on earth especially children around the globe. However, as pollution of all kinds from nuclear radiation to lead to PCBs to dioxin which has no safe level of exposure for any living thing to DDT to every insecticide or herbicide to genetically modified grains. All these many things harm organic life which consumes these things. So, eating any of these things is always like playing Russian roulette with your lives and your children's lives worldwide. So, studying about these things and finding a way to grow your own organically grown non-genetically modified food is one way for you and your children to survive for hundreds of years to come.

However, there is the other side of this. Some people are even immune to the AIDS virus and can't get that either. So, on one side of this there will be those who are intelligent and who do the research whose genetic lines will survive because of their diligence over hundreds of years. On the other side of this there will be people who are exposed to everything who will also survive even though many of their cohorts do not. Both types and everything in between will try to find ways to survive this too and some will succeed and some will not.

quote from second article:http://news.yahoo.com/fraternal-twins-autism-risk-womb-200138403.html
Those factors could include stress, diet, infections, a mother's age and medications, experts said. The new study didn't try to determine what factors increase risk.
The study was funded by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and Autism Speaks, an advocacy group.
In another study published Monday in the same journal, researchers found a higher risk of autism among children born to mothers who took antidepressants during the year before birth, particularly in the first three months of pregnancy.
It's too early to advise pregnant women against antidepressants, however. Untreated depression also can be harmful to mother and baby, said lead author Lisa Croen of the Autism Research Program at Kaiser Permanente, a large health maintenance organization in California.

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