Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Writing About Time Travel

I write about time travel because I know it exists in multiple forms and always has here on earth and throughout the Galaxy, likely for millions or billions of years. And before that likely it has been present in possibly all galaxies past, present and future. But I mostly write about time travel because people need to not disbelieve it. Human physical survival demands enough of them being convinced that it exists. The more denial of its existence from both scientists and governments the more likely it exists and actually means that governments don't want their people to suspect it exists. Only through being aware of the likely existence of time travel ongoing throughout all time past, present and future will humans have any chance now of long term survival here on earth or beyond. Because even if most people don't have access to it, it is important to know that some people do. I am not one of these. I have no time devices or physical access to them. I simply know they exist for a variety of reasons. The truth is out there. The more you are dissuaded by governments in all misinformation that it doesn't exist only means that it does exist. This is also something for you all to think about. Your personal survival and your children's and theirs and theirs and theirs depends upon all  knowing or suspecting that it does exist, has existed and has always existed both here on earth and beyond earth always.

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