Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And So the Debt Ceiling is passed but what does it really mean?

Quote from Paul Krugman: Respected Economist

What it means in this case is that one group who did not care whether the U.S. went into default or not blackmailed the rest of the Democrats and Republicans into this. Obama said in December 2010 that he did not believe ANY group of Americans were as self serving as this. But we obviously find the exception in the Tea Party. I'm sort of at a loss to understand Tea Partiers at this point. That they would risk the whole world's economy by trying to permanently end Social Security and Medicare in order to not have any new taxes on the rich defies belief until you look and see at the conservative corporations that have created the tea party much like one makes a Hollywood movie which reminds me a lot of the thinking at Fox News as well. It has been very informative to the world that the shennanigans of the Murdock's in England and probably the U.S. is NOT covered on Fox News or any of his newspapers. Also, how the Tea Party extorted the world economy through this legislation also is not conveniently covered on any Murdock NEWS? outlet. So, obviously anything owned by the Murdock's cannot be considered "NEWS" but only pure Corporate Partisanship and nothing else. I view anything Murdock owns as an INFOMERCIAL for his extreme partisan interests and nothing else.

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