Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Custodian of Wealth

Most of my life I have considered physical wealth an unnecessary burden that I didn't really want. After all, my goal from age 17 had always been to become enlightened in all ways so I could help both myself and mankind. I had seen how ignorance of one kind or another had killed or driven insane many people I had known or known of in my life. And one of the causes of their deaths was an improper relationship to what wealth actually was. So, though I married and had my first son by age 26, being wealthy like many people I had known was not a primary goal for me because I saw it as also being counterproductive in so many ways in people's lives along the way. It is said that enlightened beings often incarnate into poor or middle class families around the world because being raised in too much wealth can cause psychological imbalances while growing up and on into adulthood. I had also seen this firsthand in people that I knew while growing   up myself.

So, though I sought out a college education and enlightenment, my goal was never wealth for I saw it as something that can maim as easily as it helps. In other words one must be mature enough for wealth to be useful so it is not misused and just cause undue hardship and outright bad karma for everyone.

However, by the time I was in my 40s I was going through a really terrible divorce and child custody battle and wondered if I was going to survive this. So I prayed to God to make me "A Custodian of Wealth" as I believed that I was mature enough to be this for God. And so over the next years God made me a Custodian of Wealth. Now, what wealth actually is is different for everyone. If you ask different people different people might say wealth is different things. I was no exception to this. For example, one person might say, "My spouse and family make me the richest person on earth." I think this is beautiful. Especially if that person actually means it in their heart of hearts. But if you are asking God what wealth is, it is this and much much more. To God it is that but also health, spiritual and practical wisdom of all kinds in action 24 hours a day and the very last thing of all might be physical wealth as well.

So when I prayed to become a "Custodian of God's Wealth" so I could help God help all life in the universe God Granted my request. However, God's idea of all this is much more expanded than any of us could ever imagine. So, if you actually ask God to make you a "Custodian of His Wealth" make sure you are actually ready for what this actually means in all ways. So, since 1994 God has been consciously making me one of his many many Custodians of Wealth. Some of this wealth I share at this website and also at:

dragonofcompassion - Home

If you are in the right state of consciousness reading much of what I write will enlighten you and make you wealthy in all ways. Some of the other stuff is mostly to  help you become more aware of what is actually going on in the world that might be helpful to know for your own personal survival and your family's survival ongoing on into the future of your children's children's children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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Custodian Wealth Builders