Saturday, August 6, 2011


"What is the sound of one hand clapping?" This is a Zen Koan designed to break the logical mind to take it to a state of enlightenment. I cannot pretend to fully understand Zen and what it really means other than what it really means is "Clarity" or "Seeing Clearly everything". This experience is different for everyone and so naturally "The way that can be thought of or spoken of is not the true path or the true way" becomes useful in understanding the true nature of reality. It can only be experienced. It cannot usefully be thought about or talked about because to do either is not to be experiencing it right now. There is no way to convey enlightenment other than just by being it yourself every moment. And since each being's experience of enlightenment will be different than any others, each enlightenment experience will be necessarily different. Enlightenment is an experience but to talk about it or even to think about it is not really useful. I write about it only so people know it exists and that there is hope for them.

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