Monday, September 12, 2011


My 22 year old daughter bought two books she enjoyed reading for my wife to take a look at too. They both like to read a lot in their spare time since they both were about 9 or 10 or earlier. Neither book have I read so I cannot personally recommend them but my daughter loved both books. The second book title is "Nothing in this book is true, But it's exactly how things are". I really love this title both as an author who likes to introduce his audience to new ideas and just as a person being humored by such a title.

The first book is by Drunvalo Melchizedek which sounds sort of like someone out of Harry Potter or something like that. The Title of his book is "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life". It turns out reading Melchizedek's book inspired Bob Frissell to write "Nothing is this book is true, But it's exactly how things are". So I thought I'd pass on these two books for the deep consciousness explorers out there among you. I find I write now more than I like to read stuff having read hundreds and hundreds of books over the years. Now I like more to write about all my experiences so that they may inspire all of you to understand more about the universe. Because there are 7 billion Creation stories out there just waiting to be told. At least one for every person now alive on earth.

Later: Upon clarification from my wife she said that my daughter was really taken with melchizedek's books and youtube entrees. Here is one of the melchizedek's youtube entrees. He appears to have been initiated by Mayan Shaman so he knows something about the Mayan Calendar and prophesies. Of course, you might not be in the right state of consciousness to get what he's talking about. However, if you at first suspend disbelief and listen to him as like a New Age Minister or something then it might be useful to you. His point of view I find interesting even though I have my own from my own experiences being initiated by Tibetan Lamas and Native American Medicine Men including a 4 day vision quest of no water and no food in 1983. So though I can relate to what he says I personally am on my own different and somewhat parrallel path. So, listening to him you might understand some of the things I have had to learn about to get here too. We are each of us you and I like a flower slowly growing and then opening up. You can't force a flower to open up and you can't force a human to open up to the truth. It has to happen slowly so people don't just die in the process physically and or psychologically. So, becoming aware slowly happens. Accepting that enlightenment takes time for most people allows one to have patience and with patience while seeking enlightenment we all become enlightened eventually as well as every moment.

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