Monday, September 19, 2011

Extremism Kills

Of course what I'm writing here is about truisms and therefore has to be taken generally because whenever you take truisms to specific literally everyone is bound to make different choices in the end. However, truisms still remain true, generally speaking.

So, extremism kills because it doesn't take into consideration the needs of everyone, just one group or one person. Likewise, it doesn't matter what kind of extremism it is. It could be rightist,  leftest, religious or even atheistic or scientific. All forms of extremism tend to kill people who don't share their point of view both directly and indirectly. Understanding this helps people survive and create lives for themselves.

So, here are some of the things that save lives. Inclusiveness saves lives, tolerance saves lives, compassion saves lives as long as it is wise and right mindful. However, idiot compassion tends to kill both the giver and the receiver of the compassion. Since many people are compassionate but very few are wise  in their compassion worldwide. So this  tends to kill or maim a whole lot of people every day and this creates many martyrs among the religious and humanistic compassionate worldwide.

Education tends to save lives. Probably, the best thing you could do for the masses of humans and animals on earth is to educate your children and send them to college if they are able to. This one thing will tend to make everyone's life better than any single thing you can do.

A well rounded education where they can go to college with kids from all over the world would be the best. This will tend to make them Citizens of Earth which will be very good for the whole planet.

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