Monday, September 12, 2011

Inhaling Insulin Alzheimer's Breakthrough

I was watching Brian Williams on NBC Nightly News and heard about the Inhaling Insulin experiments which are successfully increasing memory so far in pre Alzheimers and Alzheimers patients.

There is something about inhaling the insulin that works whereas putting insulin directly into the blood might kill non-diabetic alzheimers or pre alzheimers patients.

I was thinking that this likely has something to do with how the body often after age 50 cannot process B vitamins in the stomach which begins to cause many of the long term problems leading to eventual senile dementia or Alzheimers. There are two initial solutions to this problem. Early on sublingual B complex (under the tongue so it goes direct into the blood from there) avoids the problem of older stomachs not processing B vitamins properly. I use this method and have about every 3 or 4 days now for maybe 3 to 5 years and I'm presently 63. However, I'm thinking of getting a B Complex shot every 2 to 4 weeks. My father in law started getting a B Complex shot in his 70s once a month and when he passed on at age 90 he still had all his marbles. This is one of the ways to remain mentally fit and agile. Because if your brain cannot get enough B Complex for whatever the reason your memories will start to go for most people at some point above 50 years of age. The average age of this happening depends upon genetics, diet, exercise and stress. So it is different for everyone. So, for me it is the old Boy Scout motto, "Be prepared!"

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