Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Believing in God

Understanding the Universe

Since I was quoting the Galactic Sentience's words out of respect for his  awesome position as Guardian of the Galaxy we live in and all within it I didn't want to write this there in the "Understanding the Universe" segment. But here I would like to address the fact that I DO believe in God. I find it a useful thing to do. Even though I have studied and do Tibetan Buddhist practices towards becoming enlightened in order to help all beings in the universe become enlightened, Buddhism in the end is a philosophy that I practice because it works. However, I was raised as a mystical Christian and a part of this religious point of view is to believe in God. I believe in doing whatever works and believing in God works amazingly well for me. So, even though only 25% of all practicing Buddhists believe in God I am one of those. It is important to realize that many Christians are also Buddhists because they find it useful, just like many Christians practice Karate and Hatha Yoga and T'ai Chi because they find these things useful. So I see nothing wrong in being compassionate to all beings in the universe and still believing in God and Jesus. But that's just me. I also believe in Archangels, Saint Germain and many other Saints and Masters because I find it useful. However, I also believe in the scientific method because I like categorizing everything into hypotheses, Theories and Laws. Everything that might work is a hypothesis, everything that sometimes works is a theory, and everything that always works eventually becomes a law of nature or science or both.

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