Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Class Warfare?

The Cairo Tahrir Square kind of demonstrations that began on Wall Street that are now spreading nationwide all over the U.S. I see as a very good sign. These demonstrations even though they are not focused enough on a solution but rather on the problem will help bring a solution to the serious disenfranchisement of the middle class and poor in the U.S. and in all countries in the Western world and possibly in all the world. This new anti-rich anti banking movement will in the end prevent bloodshed and help create a way forward out of the morass of 9-11, the wars and the devaluation of everything the middle class and poor own or have including their now non-existent jobs. This likely will spread and finally a way must be found forward for all the masses of people without a way to properly survive these times. It will not be easy but it is necessary to prevent major bloody revolutions within the western world. The demonstrators must be tolerated by the police of the world because otherwise there likely will be bloody revolutions if these demonstrators are suppressed too much by local authorities.

There was a movement a little like this that was against the World Trade Organization during the 1ate 1990s and early up until 9-11. I often wonder if whether the real people who brought down the World Trade Center in New York were not extreme anti World Trade Organization factions? It is hard to say now. But the same problems exist of decisions made by organizations like the World Trade organization that no one else democratically have anything to say about. Until there is some kind of mechanism democratically voted on by all the people of the world in regard to World Trade these kinds of potentially bloody outcomes will be present. So, I think protests can only grow in crescendo now until the needs of the common person all over the world are better met than now.

This present crisis began I believe around 2006 and 2007 when the extreme drought in Australia reduced the world food supply over 10% because of the drought. As the food supply decreased food riots and panic over food prices began. Eventually this shifted into panics of different kinds and then Lehman Brothers collapsed and the insanity of credit default swaps destroyed the world banking system (at least as we knew it before then). Now we are left with banks who will not loan money worldwide because they are spooked by the mortgage default problems worldwide. They are so afraid of going out of business that the needs of the common man trying to buy a home or start a business have been overlooked. As long as this constipation of the world banking system is allowed to continue millions and millions more will be allowed to starve and die. Since this is how bloody revolutions start I believe it is a very good thing that anti-banking demonstrations are beginning worldwide so that solutions may be found and implemented before things get really out of hand in the western world. These are real grievances by real people who have literally no future the way things presently are in the western world. A whole generation is being lost worldwide right now as I write this while graduating from college with no jobs and having to go bankrupt at 22 or 25 years of age because of no job to pay off their student loans. Could you imagine going into bankruptcy just because you were a good student and graduating? This is just one of the many problems now going on.

The solution might be the nationalization of banks temporarily like General Motors was supported by the Federal Government in order to get banks loaning money once again for buying houses and creating businesses. You can see now how Chrysler and General Motors are now doing well and paying back the money loaned them by the Government. With proper controls in place the same thing could be done with the banking system worldwide.

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