Friday, October 21, 2011

IPhone 4S with SIRI

The iPhone 4S: Siri

My Physical trainer today as we trained on the beach had a new IPhone 4S. She demonstrated how she could talk to SIRI and how it could respond to her. She asked what I wanted to know from SIRI. She verbally asked SIRI for me what time the sun set. I thought this would be interesting because SIRI would first have to locate where we were to tell us this. It took only about 20 seconds or less for SIRI to tell us the exact moment of Sunset where we were located on the California Coast. I was pretty amazed at the artificial intelligence quotient in SIRI in action as I watched. It reminded me a little of listening to my Garmin GPS as I drove through England and Scotland. The main difference is you can talk to SIRI and SIRI talks to you so you don't need a keyboard to interact verbally with SIRI once you have turned it on to use it on your IPhone 4S. Pretty Amazing!

I began writing about where this all leads in the 1980s in Chapter 9 in "Memories".  

dragonofcompassion - Memories part 8 and 9

If you scroll down through Memories part 8 all the way to "Memories part 9" you can read about "Biocom" or "Biocomputer" which is what an IPHone eventually turns into. They are used by the present, past, and future Galactic Time Guard operatives. With this device implanted and interfaced into a telepathic accessed system within the teeth fillings of one's molars with a mini-cam on one's face either on the tip of the nose or resident in an artificial mole on the right or left cheek and at the top of the head with transceivers built into the fingernails and toenails for long distance (Galaxy Wide) transmitting or receiving of any information available in the Galaxy on any subject. (transceivers built in fingertips on nails and under toenails protects brain and vital organs from strong transmissions. Present day satellites are used as relays.

So, if you want to read about what IPhones and Android smartphones eventually become once they become body resident completely and run by the same electricity that runs a human body try reading the first part of Chapter 9 with the word button above starting with "Memories part 8 and 9".

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