Saturday, October 15, 2011

Paradoxical Paradigm Shift

Paradoxical Paradigm Shift- In past ages when the dynamics on Earth were somewhat like this we moved into World War I and II eventually. However, this cannot happen now without causing a nuclear conflagration that could potentially end life on earth. So, historically we are in a paradoxical time with no real precedent to pattern after. Because past ages either had plagues or wars to change things. Though the world could theoretically have a plague it hasn't happened yet except for AIDS. So, likely we will see many strange things around the world happening that don't make a whole lot of sense to us historically over the next couple of decades.

On the one hand we are dealing with Global Climate change where there is now less ice right now in the northern Hemisphere than any time in recorded history this month all the way to the north pole. When I was in Hawaii last year the water was much colder last October last year than I have ever seen it before and higher with a higher content of fresh water in the mix as well from ice melting. We are having 100 year droughts in some places while having 100 year flooding in others which it is said is a typical sign of global climate shifts, along with water rising in all oceans from melting ice at the poles in a truly historic fashion. Then we have such severe changes to the growing seasons globally that not enough food can be raised in so many places that likely this year or soon we will begin to see food production go below 100% of what is needed to feed all people alive soon. (Until 2007 and the Australian Drought we had worldwide about 130% of grains grown worldwide needed to feed the world). This is no longer the case which has dramatically raised food prices out of the reach of the lower 50% economically worldwide.

Then if you add the new paradox of the technical capacity to allow people (with the money to do it) to live longer and longer lives until potential immortality is reached by 2045 for mankind, you begin to get just how far reaching and paradoxical the changes on earth really are.

So, just seeing that the real changes are now just so paradoxical and unfathomable for the average person presently on earth to understand allows us to see how unusual, paradoxical and strange and unbelievable things are getting for the average person here on earth. Now add to this problem overpopulation, the inability to feed everyone (the present way things are done here on Earth) and you begin to achieve the full magnitude of both the problems and some of the inherent solutions. However, if everyone is fed without creating some sort of required birth control of some sort, all our problems simply grow into a sort of self suicide eventually of the whole human race.

So, simply educating enough of the population of earth so they all understand the problems inherent all over the world during these times helps to create a living solution for some or all of those presently living here on earth around the world. So that even the Occupy Wall Street movement presently moving like wildfire around the world will help to shift emphasis to helping the poor and downtrodden worldwide. If the poor and downtrodden are not helped we can soon expect to see a worldwide French revolution type of scenario kind of situation develop worldwide. So, simply ignoring the problem will only make things worse. Basically it is like this: Unless the basic needs of the majority of earth are met likely they will start to bring down their governments one by one worldwide and this will not be pretty to watch. So, the more people that understand just how paradoxical these times are the more likely a workable solution can be found for the most people without just creating real chaos for everyone in both the short and the long run.

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