Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Occupy Movement Needs Real Leaders

Both the "Occupy" Movement and the Tea Party Movement are addressing real problems and real needs. Therefore both movements need real leaders. The "Occupy" movement at present is bereft of leaders, I think, because it is a new an fledgling idea more than anything else. For example, during the Anti-war movement leaders were more easily created because everyone knew someone who had been drafted right out of high school who was then dead within a couple of weeks in Viet Nam. There is nothing like unnecessary deaths of loved ones to create leaders for any movement. However, that movement at that time is not now. And the problems though equally real being addressed are not like people being directly killed. So, this is why leaders are not showing up for this movement yet.

However, as more and more cities in the U.S. move Occupy tents out of inner city spaces it is likely that as this movement morphs into something more practical and useful to all that two things will happen.
1. People will begin to figure out what exactly the problem is that they are trying to address, and
2. People will arise as leaders because once problems are better understood then direct ways to solve these problems will be created and part of this solution is creating leaders as representatives to solve those problems.

The democratic way that people within the "Occupy" movement are solving their problems mostly by consensus likely will begin to move society in ways to solve these problems. However, this isn't just a problem being addressed here in the U.S. it is a similar set of problems being addressed in almost every country on Earth. So, likely the ultimate solution for the whole Earth within 50 years or so might be a whole Earth movement to address problems of the whole world.

However, in the meantime problems will be solved by the grassroots movements one area, one city, one county, one state, and one country at a time. What is actually happening is the re-evaluation of all governmental systems worldwide by all the peoples of the world in real time. Because social media never existed before this likely will transform the world in completely unexpected ways from now on.

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