Saturday, December 17, 2011

Past Life Memories

Whether you believe in Past Life memories or not it is up to you and all your experiences during your life.

However, my experience is that I have lived countless lives both here on earth in the past, present and future as well as many many other planets both in the Solar System and beyond for at the very least 6 million years or more past and at the very least 1 million years into the future of Earth. Do, I know completely how this works? I would have to say "Yes and No". There are parts of it that I have come to understand but there is always more to know. Should everyone know about their past lives? I can't answer that because when I go for past lives I give a prayer that goes something like: "Please God, only show me my past lives that would be helpful in this life to know about. I don't want to remember being beheaded, guillotined, strangled to death, starving to death and all that which likely would just be too traumatic for almost anyone to remember. Please God, just show me what I need to know to be a good person in this lifetime and beyond!" This has always done the trick for me. So, often I will meet someone and feel very attracted to them as a friend. Or I will feel like I want to really get away from someone I meet or I might just feel completely neutral towards people I meet. I usually take this to mean that if I feel good about someone that I have been with them before in another lifetime. If I want to know more about our past relationships I look deeply inside myself to see what it was Past, present and future. Once I know what my history was with this person who is a traveling soul in multiple bodies over many lifetimes, it is much easier to know what I want to do or not do with this person in this lifetime. I find this gives me incredible insight and power in my life to not be abused because I always tend to know much more about anyone than they do about me.(unless they too have given the prayer above and tend to know who everyone is also. Then there is an equality about the situation that I find is much more fair for everyone concerned.

note: This includes memories in Heaven realms of 1 year to hundreds of thousands of years. What I find really unusual about heaven realms is that one can literally be 1 million years or more in a heaven realm and reincarnate the next day after one passed on from their previous human life or deep into the past 1 million years before they were born last or 1 million years into the future. It all just depends upon what that soul is presently working on as a soul. Or one could be born on another planet or dimension or whatever. I find all this pretty amazing as a soul to comprehend all this.

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