Sunday, December 25, 2011

Science Says not about the strongest or weakest

Charles Darwin postulated during the 1800s that it was all primarily about "Survival of the fittest" regarding all creatures on earth including humans. However, even though this is a part of it as science has looked more deeply into this question it is actually more about what creatures (including humans) are the best at adaptation and the capacity to cope with change of all kinds.

For example, many times during the life of almost any human at certain points life becomes unbearable for one reason or another. And in extreme cases people sometimes consider taking their own lives in one way or another because they might not see any way forward for themselves at that point. However, if one is patient and/or intelligent or even angry enough in a non-violent way, often one can move or change  their circumstances or adapt to any situation they might encounter either accidentally or on purpose. And often through a combination of change by accident or on purpose the end result can be pleasing in the moment or even useful long term for the ongoing survival of oneself, and one's family and friends.

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