Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Survivor's Guilt

I think many people in this world right now are having survivor's guilt because they still have jobs, homes, businesses. Their children are not homeless having lost their homes because their parents lost their jobs and can't replace the jobs yet.

I realized strongly this week that Survivor's guilt dishonors all the people worldwide who have lost their jobs and homes and lives. Those of us who still have lives need to live our lives in honor of those who have lost theirs for now. Because, "There but for the Grace of God go we all!" So, if we wish to honor those who have lost everything or almost everything, the best way to do this is to find a way to help them. And the first best way to help them is to move the country forward. There is a saying, "God helps those who help themselves." And this has always been one of the things that made America Great. Innovation has always been allowed and cherished in the U.S.  Innovation made our country great before and it will make our country great again. But what is needed is the freedom to innovate and a way for the wealth from innovation  to spread out to enrich all in the process so we all have a stake in U.S. innovation. How can this be done? Implementing the answer will be the innovation of the Century.

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