Friday, May 18, 2012


We have had many geniuses in society. Some are recognized in their own times and some are not. We have obvious geniuses like Einstein, and then we have business geniuses like Steve Jobs. And then we have spiritual and human rights geniuses like Buddha, Jesus, Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Mandela.

But probably the most important thing in regard to genius is timing. One of my grown daughters was always fond of saying in regard to relationships, "Timing is everything". 

Often when I have met geniuses in my life they didn't experience perfect timing and so their lives went nowhere. They had all the qualities necessary to "Set the world on fire" except for "perfect timing" in manifesting or communicating their ideas.

So, in one sense it doesn't really matter how brilliant a person is if there is no one there to receive the information and to benefit from it.

One way to overcome this problem is through writing. When the timing isn't right for any reason then one can always write, or paint, or play music or have tapes of what they need to say. So that, one day people may benefit from every person's genius. Timing is much less important as long as the information in whatever form is preserved for posterity in some way, shape, or form.

So, what I'm saying is that if the Timing is missed for whatever reason in the life of any Genius whether you are a Steve Jobs or Einstein or even a Buddha, Jesus or Ghandi or Mandela just remember to preserve your genius in some way for posterity. Because likely there will be a perfect timing for whatever you want to share of your genius. And those points of time might be infinite in nature going on into the future. So, if you are a genius don't forget to share it before you pass away and your genius cannot be passed on anymore.

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